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Rerearch Projects
  • Reconstruction of Climate, Vegetation and Fire Across Palaeolithic Transitions in the Indian Subcontinent (2021-2024)

  • Role of Climate in Human Evolution in India (PhD project 2016-2021).

  • Soil Microbial Diversity in Land-Use Pattern in India (SMDLU): PLFA Biomakers Approach (Co-supervised Master Thesis 2018-2019).

  • Response of Gymnosperm and Angiosperm species growing in a similar climatic gradient of NW Himalaya-Compound specific isotope analysis (Additional project during PhD based on interest 2017-2020) at IISER Kolkata.

  • Climate control on grassland expansion during the Holocene period in Western India (Collaborative Project 2017-2018) at IISER Kolkata and NCBS Bangalore.

  • Paleohydrological and vegetational history of Quaternary Belan valley, north-central India: Multi-proxy evidence from the archaeological site. Master Dissertation Project (2015) at IISER Kolkata.

  • OSL/TL dating techniques using SAR protocol to date the fluvial sediments (Summer Research Project). Wadia institute of Himalayan Geology • 26th May 2014 - 15th July 2014.

  • Yamuna floodplain as a source of drinking water (Undergraduate Project). Centre for Theoretical Physics, Jamia Millia Islamia University • June 2012 - February 2013.

Storm Clouds

Past Climate

Plant wax biomarkers and stable carbon and hydrogen isotope based records

Camp Fire

Past Fire

Using Macro-Charcoals and PAH Biomarkers to understand use of fire by early humans

Human evolution chart.jpg


Using trans-disciplinary approach to understand the effect of climate on evolution

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